ULY 25 — 27, 2020 POLAND, OLECKO

The international festival-competition «Lega Art Fest» is held within the framework of the concluded General Agreement on Cooperation between the Rivne State University of Humanitarian and the City Center for Sports and Recreation «Lega» in Oletskо from 08/22/2019.

Tasks of the festival-competition:

  • expansion of creative and artistic ties;
  • education of youth on the best artistic traditions;
  • development and popularization of art from different countries;
  • experience exchange.

The founders of the festival are International Festival Group, «»Art studio» Dialog»» public organization, Lego City Sports and Recreation Center, Rivne State University of Humanities (scientific and pedagogical staff of the department of choreography).

Terms and conditions of the festival-contest

The festival is held annually in July (by agreement on the exact date and time with the partner party) on the basis of the Lega City Sports and Recreation Center in Oleсko, Poland

The festival is competitive without restrictions on the number of participants.

Festival events include:

  • grand opening;
  • competition program;
  • awarding of contest participants;
  • solemn closing;
  • entertainment.

Age categories

  • 3 — 5 years;
  • 6 — 7 years;
  • 8 — 10 years;
  • 11 — 13 years;
  • 14 — 16 years;
  • 17 — 25 years;
  • 25 and older
  • mixed


  • Children’s dance
  • Classical dance
  • Folk dance (folk-stage, folk stylized, folkdance)
  • Contemporary dance (jazz dance, Afro-jazz, Broadway jazz, jazz-modern dance, modern dance, contemporary dance)
  • Ballroom dance
  • Street dance (hip hop, break dance, jazz, cramp)
  • Eastern dance
  • Dance show (variety dance, disco)
  • Free dance category

Soloists, small forms, teams present one choreographic work of up to 4 minutes per contest.


  • Various vocals (soloists, small forms 2-4 axes, ensembles / groups);
  • Folk singing, folk groups (soloists, small forms of 2-4 axes, ensembles / collectives);
  • Jazz vocals (soloists, 2-4 small forms, ensembles / bands)
  • Academic vocals (soloists, small forms 2-4 axes, ensembles / groups);
  • Choirs (mixed, male, female, baby).

Soloists, small forms, teams present one choreographic work of up to 4 minutes per contest.

All works are performed under “negative” phonogram or “live” accompaniment. Backing vocals may be used. DOUBLE vocals (instrumental or voice duplication of the main party) are not allowed.

Folklore Creativity / Ritual Theaters

Word, dance, gesture, music, action used during ceremonies, holidays, rituals.

Folklore and ethnographic collectives are invited to present numbers and programs created on the basis of folklore, customs and rituals. Folk groups submit one competition number up to 5 minutes in duration.

Theater Arts / Puppet Theaters

The teams present small stage forms, mono-performances, etudes, scenes from performances and plays, which have a composition-completed character lasting no more than 10 minutes.

Reading / Acting

Artistic word (poems, prose), performance time up to 4 minutes; literary and musical composition (no more than 5 minutes), miniature, pantomime, sketch, staging (up to 5 minutes).

Circus / Variety Art – Sports

Plastic show, acrobatics, rubber, juggling, clowning (up to 4 minutes).

Fashion Theaters / Fashion Show

Fashion theaters present one collection as a mini-show or show for a competition program. Contest duration up to 10 minutes.

Оther nominations in accordance with accepted applications.

The procedure for submitting documents for participation. Participants of the festival-contest submit (send) to the organizers:

— an application in Ukrainian (or the language of the country the participant represents) and English together with a QUALITY phonogram by 06/20/2020 to the festival organizing committee:;

— list of participants and accompanying.

The organizing committee of the festival provides:

  • consideration of all submitted applications for their compliance with the conditions of participation;
  • confirmation of the applicant’s participation 10 days before the start of the festival-
  • competition;
  • Arrival to destination in (Republic of Poland., Oletsko; Ukraine, place of departure);
  • accommodation of participants of the festival-competition during its holding;
  • awarding of participants of the festival-competition;
  • organization of a cultural program for participants of the festival-contest. 

Festival Jury:

The number of jury members can vary from 3 to 5 people who are specialists in various fields of art, leading figures of culture and the arts.

Participant Evaluation Criteria:


  • Compliance with the choreographic number subject, taking into account the age possibilities of the performers;
  • originality of the embodiment of the idea of ​​staging the range of used composite solutions and techniques;
  • dramaturgy of choreography;
  • compliance with the direction;
  • performance technique;
  • the harmony of music and choreography;
  • accessory and originality of costumes;
  • stage ethics and behavior on stage.


  • technical performance: intonation, rhythmics, phrasing, construction, accuracy of performance, pronunciation.
  • artistic performance: tempo, dynamics, interpretation of the text, emotionality, expressiveness, stylistic equality.
  • presentation of the program: the selection of the repertoire, the complexity of execution, appearance.

Readers / Acting / Circus art / variety-sports art / Theaters / Theaters mod:

  • technical capabilities of the contractor;
  • Artistry, stage design (plastic, costume, performance culture)
  • creative approach to the selection of repertoire;
  • the complexity of the program being executed;
  • stage design of the program, requisite;
  • completeness and expressiveness of the disclosure of the theme of the work;
  • discovery and brightness of artistic images, performing level;
  • stage design (plastic, costume, performance culture)
  • Artistic design of the performance, props;
  • dact of actors;
  • compliance with the repertoire of the artist’s age category;
  • the position of the director;
  • acting skills.

Rewarding participants:

  • Grand Prix at the International Festival Competition.
  • Laureates of I, II and III degree — get a cup, a diploma
  • Diplomas of I, II and III degrees — receive a diploma
  • Valuable gifts from the organizers!
  • Thanks to teachers, managers, choreographers for the preparation and participation in the festival-competition.

Thanks to teachers, managers, choreographers for the preparation and participation in the festival-competition.

The Organizing Committee reserves the right to mark individual teams with certificates:

  •  on preferential terms to take part in the festival-competition «Lega Art Fest»  Olecko, Poland in 2021;
  • on preferential terms to take part in the All-Ukrainian competition of choreographic art «The Golden Crown of Terpsichore 2021» — Rivne, Ukraine;

  Letters of thanks to the best teachers, leaders of amateur performances for preparing and participating in the festival-contest — please order together with the Application form of festival-contest

Changes and additions to the Regulation on the organization and conduct of the international festival-competition «Lega Art Fest» are agreed and approved in the same manner as the Regulation itself.

The Regulation is enacted by decision of the Academic Council of the University from the date of its approval by order of the Rector.

The provisions are canceled by the order of the rector by decision of the Academic Council of the University or the corresponding advisory body.

Responsibility for the implementation of the Regulation and monitoring the implementation of its requirements lies with the University officials in accordance with their functional responsibilities.

Contact telephone numbers:

+380506552711,  +380978259300,  +380970853957,   +380933731628